Private Training

Need help with your dog's specific behavior problems and want to speak with me directly? I have several options that you might find helpful.

Private In-Home Dog Training- (Southern California only)
Receive private training for your dog in the comfort of your own home. Sessions usually last 60-90 minutes and are very thorough. I offer 3 types of courses:

Basic Obedience/Puppy Kindergarden- this course is for dogs with little or no previous training and provides the foundation for all future courses. All sessions consist of a 10 minute lecture on topics that are crucial for proper mental, emotional and physical development to ensure your dog grows into a well-rounded and stable adult dog. Topics include puppy developmental stages, dog safety, handling skills, grooming (nails, teeth, brushing, etc), first aid and disaster preparedness, potty training, socialization, greeting new people and animals, and responsible pet ownership. Then I show you how to teach the commands we will cover that day, then you will practice them with your dog. You will receive handouts and be assigned homework to prepare for the next lesson. Lessons are very thorough and you will learn a LOT about dogs, the canine mind and how it works, how to structure a mutually beneficial and trusting relationship with your dog, and how to raise your dog to be mentally and emotionally well-rounded (thereby preventing future behavior problems). 

Commands taught during this 5 week course include: Watch Me, Sit, Lay Down, Stay, Come, Leave It, Drop It, Take It, Greeting People and Dogs, and Walking on a Loose Leash. All puppies have the option of taking the AKC Puppy Star test at the end of the course.

Intermediate- Follows the same structure (lecture, demonstration, practice, homework) as the Basic course, but with a heavier focus on perfecting previously taught commands and working on duration (how long the dog holds a command) and with distractions (and believe me, they will be quite distracting!). At the end of this course, your dog WILL be able to hold a stay with other dogs passing by, people attempting to interact with them, and objects they are not familiar with attempting to distract them. In this course we play a lot of trust building games and exercises structured to help your dog improve his socialization skills and exercised to help him pass his Canine Good Citizen exam to be able to go out in public. 

Commands taught during this 5 week course include: Go To Bed (a dog bed, crate, towel, etc), Settle (aka. Relax in one spot), Door Boundaries (not rushing through open doors or gates), Heel, Wait, Stay for 25 feet, Stay with Owners Out of Sight, Watch Me (default), Stay with moderate distractions.

Advanced- Follows the same structure as the Basic and Intermediate Courses, but with even more focus on Distance (following a command with you not directly in front of them), Duration and Distraction. At the end of this course your dog will be able to pass his Canine Good Citizen class with flying colors and your dog will be able to be a positive ambassador of his species out in public. This means that you can take him places he has never been before and know he will do his commands reliably, he will be a pleasure to be around in public, and he will be able to deal with high stress and distracting situations confidently. This course is designed for dogs seeking to become Therapy Dogs, Service Dogs, Working Dogs, Show Dogs, etc, or for the pet parent that wants the perfect dog that always minds his manners, follows his cues the first time, and who wants to have a companion that will be accepted and approachable in public. This course will give you the "model canine citizen" guaranteed. 

Commands taught during this 5 week course include: Touch, Come with distractions, Sit/Stay and Down/Stay with intense distractions, Paw/Shake, Heel with distractions,  Watch Me (default with distractions), Settle Under a Bench or Table, and field trips to public places to socialize our dogs with strangers and new situations. The world can be a very scary place with something always happening. This class teaches dogs how to live in our world and how to handle surprises with grace and confidence. We will also play games to build our dog's confidence and ease around other dogs in close quarters (great for shy or aggressive dogs!). At the end of this course dogs will have the option to take the AKC Canine Good Citizen test.

Service Dog Training- Email Me for more information.

Behavior Problem Solutions- sometimes good dogs do bad things and all you might need is a session or two. In these cases I also offer a la carte sessions for dogs who just need help with a problem or two. Since each dog is different and different behavior problems require different amounts of attention, it is recommended that a consultation be done over the phone first so I can get an idea of how many sessions you might need, the level of intensity of training, and the severity of the problem(s). Please be aware that some behavior problems may be so severe that your dog may not ever be "cured" as in the case of severe aggression, but most dogs can at least be rehabilitated to the point where they can be managed and still be functional parts of your family. So before you dump the dog, talk to me first! You might be surprised and the solution could be just under your nose.

Want to schedule a consultation or to sign up for private training? Email Me at and I will get in touch with you within 24 hours. Areas I service include mostly LA County with some cities in the Inland Empire, and some parts of Orange County and Ventura County.

Group Classes- (Southern California only)
Follows the same criteria and structure as above, but can be done with friends and their dogs, or other people. Usually held at a park or at one of the participant's homes. Email me for more information and prices. Discounts are offered for groups of 4+. Individuals wishing to offer their home for group classes will receive a discount of 50%!

Phone or Skype Consultations
For $5 I can answer any dog question you might have, whether it be about training, behavior problems, puppy raising, picking out the right dog for you, nutrition, toys, recommendations, or anything else you have in mind. Most people prefer phone consultations, which I am happy to do within 24 hours of purchase. If you are outside of the US or feel that a video conference would be more benificial (ie: you need to show me the problem), I can Skype with you instead. All consultations last up to 10 minutes. When you make your purchase, please email me at with the following information:

Your Name:
Phone Number OR Skype Username:
Your Dog's Name:
Describe your problem/question in as much detail as possible:

Ready? Ask away! I will be in touch with you as soon as I receive your purchase (within 24 hours) to set up a Skype/Phone Conference.

Still have doubts? Read my reviews and watch my video ad on!

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